Talent Intelligence Software Powered by Responsible AI

Skills-based AI to hire and retain the right people.

Skills-Based Organizations are emerging as the winners in today’s job market. Hire smarter and retain longer with retrain.ai’s fully integrated, data-driven talent intelligence software powered by generative AI. Leverage the power of Responsible AI to fuel your journey to becoming an SBO.

How can retrain.ai fuel your Skills-Based Organization?

Increase in internal mobility
Increase in retention
Improvement in retaining high-performing employees
Improvement in achieving HR business objectives
Reduction in time-to-hire

Breakthrough AI-Powered Talent Intelligence Software

Build your foundation as a Skills-Based Organization

Future-proof your skills-based organization by predicting and preparing for emerging capability needs. Use retrain.ai to create a comprehensive skills architecture to identify skills and gaps in your workforce. Then heat map the two to identify opportunities for upskilling or redeploying employees quickly in response to change.


Hire Smarter - Cut hiring time by 55%

Use generative AI to source, screen, and rank candidates in record time and get unbiased, data-driven insights for more strategic hiring. The retrain.ai platform uses the most robust, actionable skills taxonomy on the market. Combine your existing workforce skills data with data from 800+ active and passive candidates to map employees and external candidates to open roles based on skills match.


Retain Your Best People Longer - Increase retention by 30%

It’s 7x less expensive to retain an existing employee than hire a new one. Our personally tailored, auto-generated career pathing in the retrain.ai platform empowers you to use skills data to help employees understand their potential growth within your organization.


Why retrain.ai?

Harnessing the potential of AI to empower people is what we do.

  • Skills-Driven, Unbiased Intelligence

    When connecting the right people to the right positions, skills are at the center of everything. Credentials and pedigree can only tell you so much, so our game-changing Talent Intelligence Platform uses competency-based assessments to help you get a clearer understanding of each employee’s knowledge, skills, qualifications and personal attributes. These four facets form the capabilities genome, which drives our recommendations and business insights.

  • Data-Driven, Game-Changing Algorithms

    When connecting the right people to the right positions, skills are at the center of everything. Credentials and pedigree can only tell you so much, so our game-changing Talent Intelligence Platform uses competency-based assessments to help you get a clearer understanding of each employee’s knowledge, skills, qualifications and personal attributes. These four facets form the capabilities genome, which drives our recommendations and business insights.

  • One Central Skills-Focused Nerve Center

    When connecting the right people to the right positions, skills are at the center of everything. Credentials and pedigree can only tell you so much, so our game-changing Talent Intelligence Platform uses competency-based assessments to help you get a clearer understanding of each employee’s knowledge, skills, qualifications and personal attributes. These four facets form the capabilities genome, which drives our recommendations and business insights.

Learn More

Frictionless Integration - Zero rip & replace

Seamlessly integrate the retrain.ai platform with your existing human capital management (HCM), applicant tracking system (ATS), talent acquisition (TA), talent management (TM) learning & development (L&D) platforms and more. Transform your HR tech stack into a unified system of intelligence to make more effective workforce decisions.


Extracting Skills from Text: Semantics – Not Keywords – Is the ROI Differentiator

Automatically extracting skills from text documents like CVs and job posts is what enables successful talent mapping between individuals and potential roles. But all methodologies aren’t the same. Discover how generative AI goes beyond basic keyword mapping to reveal an essential driver behind smart HR decision-making: semantics.


Skills-based, data-driven decision-making is within your reach.

Harnessing the limitless processing power of generative AI, we built the retrain.ai platform to optimize organizations’ existing skill sets, fill the gaps of the future skills required, and help decision-makers successfully bridge the gap between the two.


retrain.ai and Responsible AI

Our platform is built on fully explainable, ethical generative AI, the first building block to our larger overall commitment to innovation built on Responsible AI. In May 2023, retrain.ai launched a first-of-its-kind Responsible HR Forum to form a community of stakeholders from the technology, advocacy, government and business sectors committed to ethical AI use in HR processes, demonstrating our commitment to ethical AI practices.

Inject more wisdom into your workforce planning.

Build the workforce of the future by becoming a skills-based organization today. Responsible, AI-driven talent intelligence makes the transition seamless. Schedule your demo to see how.